

Our publications on our areas of expertise:


Luigi Norsa

Ipsoa, 2009 -192 pages - ITA

Every crisis is different, there are no magic recipes: you must understand that crises can occur, from what may be triggered, what impact they can have. There are no recipes, but there are strategic principles and techniques that a manager must have to be able to respond also to such emergencies.


CRISIS MANAGEMENT:come gestire la crisi aziendale

Luigi Norsa

Edizioni Giuridiche Simone, 2002 -160 pages

The airplane pilots are divided into two categories: those who have already made an emergency landing and those that have yet to do so. So is for managers and corporate crises: the question is not whether or not the company will be faced with a crisis, but when and how we will overcome it.

eBook - How to make.. The crisis plan

Authors Norsa Luigi, Norsa Micol

— IPSOA — 2017 - ITA

The e-book is a guide to crisis management for company managers. It helps to conceive and implement a preparedness plan aimed to organize the management of extraordinary corporate crisis.

In order to safeguard the value of your company, it is essential to set up an action plan in time to respond to an unexpected crisis event because the question is not whether a crisis may occur, but when and what crisis you will face.

eBook - Come fare...Il piano di comunicazione


eBook - How to make......The communication plan

Authors Norsa Luigi, Norsa Micol 

— IPSOA — 2013 - ITA


Communicating is a natural activity, physiological, like breathing but this often leads to underestimating the importance and do not perceive the necessity to address it in a professional manner.

This handbook's intention is to offer guidance to evaluate the use of communication as a strategic tool, to facilitate the achievement of the goals, plan the type of intervention, deciding the strategy to be adopted, defining the investment, choose the necessary professional resources, manage the 'execution of defined activities and monitor and evaluate their effectiveness.

eBook - Come fare... Le interviste con i media se sei un manager


eBook - How to make ... The interviews with the media if you are a manager

Authors Norsa Luigi, Norsa Micol 

— IPSOA — 2014 - ITA

Over the last fifteen years we were often conducting media training sessions for managers. we noticed how their performance would improve dramatically in a day of exercises and, as would pass by an attitude of fear and distrust in a glossy attitude and determined to seize the good opportunities that the relationship with journalists could offer in handling situations also complex and difficult. Reading a book or eBook cannot replace a session of "media training" however, CMA can help you see the interview in a more realistic perspective and understand the techniques that can make the difference between an interview and a disastrous positive.

On the issue  1/2005, "Fear and Fears", of Contatti - Magazine of Public Relations and Communication, published by the University of Udine, was published an article by Luigi Norsa entitled "What strategies to fight fears triggered from a crisis?"